Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Many churches like to start the New Year charging their congregation to pray and fast for various reasons (prosperity, health, and favor). But, whatever the reasons, sometimes the fasting list seems hard to stick with for some of us and temptation shows up on every street corner. I call McDonald's, Wendy's and cake "The Good Evil".  I know - that's hilarious right?  But so true! 
Well, I've been down the New Year fasting road many times; matter of fact, my church is on a fast right now. This time I'm determined to face my fears and put on my armor with 7 ways to keep myself on track for the duration and deem myself “Empowered to Prosper”.  I'm pleased to share these tips with you.
  1. GET DETERMINED TO REACH GOALS.  Realize that how you start the year could be a good indication of how it will be for the entire year. So if you start projects and never finish them, see the fast as a never-finish-anything habit-breaker. You will feel good about yourself each and every day you succeed.
  2. TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME. What I do is challenge myself at how many days I can go without sugar, bread or whatever is on the fast's list of "Do Not’s".  Each day I survive temptation, I feel empowered to prosper and pat myself on the back for encouragement to go the rest of the journey.
  3. LEARN THE CLASSY ART OF SAYINGNO THANK YOU”.  Does it seems like every time you decide to diet, fast or sustain from eating, here comes your friends inviting you out, having a party, or your co-workers or boss bringing food in for the office?  It never fails!  So I decided to practice the art of saying “No Thank You” without insulting anybody.  What I do is just simply say with a smile, “No Thank You” I just ate, saying in the back of my mind, "I got goals to reach and you will not get me off track!"  And if it’s something that’s a weakness like sweets, bread etc.  I say “No Thank You” sweetly and say in the back of my mind, “Because cake is the devil”.  Oh, I'm laughing right now!  Every time you say “No Thank You”, you will feel more and more empowered to prosper.  Turn it into a game and count how many times and quirky ways you can talk yourself out of eating the wrong things.  It's fun!
  4. PREPARE FOODS IN ADVANCE.  Usually churches including my church do the Daniel's Fast which is super restrictive; however, this year my church is doing a high protein, low to no carb diet that includes meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, berries and water.  It has quite a few “Do Not Eat” on the list, so I’ve decided to prepare easy dishes that goes a long way like hearty vegetable soups, chili, casseroles and stock up on healthy meats like chicken breast, turkey burgers and cutlets.  These kinds of dishes go a long way and can feed you and the family for a few days. 
  5. KEEP THE FAST GUIDELINES IN EYE VIEW.  By keeping the guidelines on hand, you can recite the prayer instructions daily and stay reminded of why you’re fasting.  Make copies and keep one in your briefcase, at your desk, by your bed as a reminder before you go to bed.  Another way is to keep a journal of your progress and journey while fasting, highlighting the positive experiences and how you overcame the struggles. 
  6. CONTACT FRIENDS AND MOTIVATE EACH OTHER.  I called a few of my girlfriends who are doing the fast and suggested that we invite each other over for pot luck dishes at least once or twice during the fast.  We share recipes and check in on each other periodically for support.
  7. THINK OF IT AS A LIFESTYLE.  Sometimes it takes an act as drastic as a fast to change bad habits and get on track to a healthy lifestyle.  If we face the truth about ourselves we will realize that we all can benefit from change.  I sometimes set aside one day a week to fast from something.  Maybe yours is to quit smoking or drink more water and less sodas, but whatever it is, Fasting maybe that element we can incorporate into our lifestyle that will help to make us healthier (by realizing that our body is a temple and we should be careful what we put in it), wealthier (by spending less on stuff we really could do without and that includes unnecessary shopping too, and learn how to save) and wiser (because we learn that we can do anything if we put our minds and hearts into it).
 Pray for me as I pray for you - Much Success for 2014!

Deborah Champagne

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